The Factories, The Fields, and the Firearms to Defend Them

The Factories, The Fields, and the Firearms to Defend Them

By Hybachi LeMar

“The working class is able, once it so desires, to take control of industry and thus establish a much more efficient and satisfactory society .” (Quote is from the pamphlet: “One Big Union,“ by The Industrial Workers of the World)

You, me and our entire class of society’s underprivileged who produces everything with very little or nothing at all to show for it have – once effectively organized – the potential within us to free ourselves from the stresses that come with the struggle for survival of material needs.

While the study below is based on research conducted in 2020, the final analysis will be found to resonate up to the hour the bell of the social revolution is sounded. It’s of the deepest importance for the masses – the have-nots who’ve been no strangers to struggling since we were born – to firmly grasp the magnificence of our Worth, and our potential and power. Our Potential for freeing ourselves from being taken advantage of by the government system is overwhelmingly greater than that of the government system taking advantage of us all!

This has been a very fortunate truth for the less-fortunate of the world ever since societies have allowed governments to exist, and our social contract with the State has proven to be nothing less than a taxing, hostile machine worth defying and reducing to irreparable ashes.

The more the righteous seeds of becoming free from social & economic oppression be planted richly in the minds of the poor and oppressed who are governed, the greater the potential becomes to overthrowing the government with overwhelming resistance; especially when the rational alternative of governing ourselves (exercising autonomy) is given the necessary attention it deserves deep in the roots of our ethical nature.

“The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people, and the few, who make up the employing class have all the good things in life.”

From the Preamble to The IWW



As of 2018, there are approximately 29,285 functioning factories throughout the country.

These are operated by 12.8 million people. This doesn’t include the additional 760,000 workers employed by temporary employment agencies, nor the unseen thousands of Prisoners manufacturing products in prison factories throughout the U.S. We constitute an entire army of production – one which can be victorious against poverty and capitalist greed when we unify to no longer demand, but to deliberately act to directly fulfill our neglected needs!

We far outnumber the 249,962 factory-owning firms that has our class struggling day after day as wage-slaves, on a ratio of 51 – 1. In other words, for every one factory owner profiting luxuriously from everything that the workers produce, there are Fifty-One workers who can deny legitimacy to their authority and secure the factories for the workers and the dis-possessed communities the workers are from!

This is why joining workers’ unions, like the IWW, is paramount in winning true Peoples’ Power, as it swells the ranks of organized resistance against our common exploiter – the capitalist class. Our numerical strength in the advent of a united act to wrest the instruments needed for self-determination in our communities with the products our working class manufactures, will reflect the innate desire of a people sick of being daily consumed by the parasites who feast luxuriously off our bodies and minds.

The federation of Unions (which are frankly, organizations of workers who want something better anyway) are able to do everything – from paralyzing the power of those who economically muscle over us with full-blown General (Work) Strikes – to providing free food, clothing, housing & transportation to our communities which will be soon acknowledged as “a given” – the way that things should’ve been, from the very beginning. The ethical, necessary and rational way of living!

(Intercontinental Connections)

The U.S. government – through it’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) – is currently partners with 20 countries; countries that purchased nearly 49% percent of goods manufactured in its factories.

These 20 countries includes Canada geographically above and Mexico located below.

While these (20) countries only make up six percent of the world’s population, intercontinentally federating with workers in these, alone, who intimately understand the need for overthrowing our capitalist governments will be the pivotal move in providing the material security needed for us – the less-fortunate class – to receive the fruits of our labor in these (20 countries) and beyond.


“I must intervene in teaching the peasants that their hunger is socially constructed and work with them to help identify those responsible for this social construction, which is, in my view, a crime against humanity.” – Paulo Freire

The amerikan government doesn’t have the best interest of the people it governs at heart.

For example, according to the 2020 report from the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington DC, lobbying (the act of using persuasion to attempt to create a climate of opinion favorable to a desired legislative goal), reveals its use as a lucrative tactic by agribusiness people in persuading U.S. legislators in 2019, and it’s been a very compromising issue for years.

The capitalists in the agribusiness industry are huge donors to political parties, contributing over $118 million from the sweat of farm laborers in the 2016 presidential cycle, and more than $92 million, in 2018! Since 1990, the majority of such millions were given to the Republican and Democratic parties.

Huge contributions from these predatory businesspeople were also donated to Liberal, Conservative, as well as Nonpartisan Groups. Each year, hundreds of thousands of dollars – fleeced from the farmers’ output – are generously placed into the bank accounts of political members of the Senate and House of Representatives that influence the politics that we find ourselves itching for relief from today.

Moreover, as a 2017 study published through AG Daily analyzed:

“Between 2004 and 2014,…databases show foreign investors doubled their American farmland holdings, growing from 13.7 million to 27.3 million acres which is approximately the size of Tennessee. And while this represents only about 2 percent of total U.S. farmland, the value of the land in question leapt from $17.4 billion to $42.7 billion during the same period, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

The capitalists – those who take advantage of others for their personal gain – are an offensive presence in general; especially to those of us who know what it’s like to be ripped-off and taken advantage of for all of our lives. The cliché that “Business is never personal” is ironically spoken from the lips of the very ones who make it their personal business to exploit you. A philosophy of the parasite, meant to disarm you from resisting your and your People’s economic oppressors.

Across the country, the vast majority of economically oppressed people (such as us) make a social revolution against our economic oppressors not only necessary, but inevitable as well; and if the System that’s taken advantage of us all of our lives gets the audacity to ask why we’ve chosen a social revolution against its government, we can, in right conscience, reply “You reap what you sow!”


“Do not confound us with the pacifists. We believe in fighting…and we refuse to fight for the enemies and exploiters of humanity.” Alexander Berkman

While a non-violent revolution is ideal, in all practicality, the capitalist government and its armed and handcuff-carrying police won’t surrender to us our fruits for our labor without a fight. And we shouldn’t expect it to; it knows what it’s doing.

It’s inconsolably heartbreaking that of the 38.1 million of us documented as living in statistical poverty throughout the U.S., an unnecessary 16% (11.9 million) are children. This is unnecessary: Over 40.8 % of agricultural land exists in this country; and our class operates over 30,000 factories, producing everything that we’ve been ordered to buy or face arrest, the billyclub or the bullet.

A recent report from the Graduate Institute of International Development Studies in Geneva reported that the U.S. ranks 1st in the highest gun ownership rate: 120.5 per 100 people. Yemen ranks 2nd in countries in high gun ownership rate at 52.8 per 100 people. Canada – where 1.35 million (mainly Indigenous) children live in poverty – ranks 5th in the world’s highest gun ownership rate.

It should also be grasped that these numbers don’t include firearms owned by law enforcement agencies or militaries, of whom we outnumber with staggering odds at a maximum ratio of 1000 to 6.

This analysis, therefore, confirms that in the United States, the odds are in the favor of the People, who are more than able to outgun those enforcing the law with overwhelming resistance, once organized to secure the factories and the farms & defending the means of production and distribution.

You can’t grow an ear of corn from the barrel of a shotgun, but you can use the shotgun to defend the soil that the ear of corn rises out of. And it’s important to overstand that the same factories that are used by it’s current owners to profit off us in poverty with, can be taken over to provide for the very working-class of us have-nots who operates its entire production.

To Everyone With a Gun in the Ghetto

Every gangbanger. Every dope dealer. Every stick-up kid. Everyone who’s packing heat for protection or otherwise. All who wake up with a gun at your bedside:

Know that you’re worth immeasurably more than the bank accounts of all the owners of your city’s downtown buildings, combined. Reflect on your life and prepare for the social revolution against the government system which could care less if you starve or eat, go to prison for the rest of your life, if you live or you die.

Arm yourself with the knowledge presented to you from our underground pamphlets and books. They are complementary weapons which aim to assist in you & our people from the parasites in power who exist to suck you dry from all your potential. We encourage you to re-define your relationship with your rivals and consider who the opposition of you and those like you truly, essentially are and to reserve your bullets for worthier targets, as you study. A class war is being organized throughout the world in the Struggle for self-determination; by the have-nots of the world who recognize that, according to the universal principle of Cause and Effect, we have the power within us to take our destinies into our own hands.

A war to determine your destiny instead of having your destiny continuing being determined by a system that doesn’t have your best interest at heart is perhaps the most significant decision you could ever make in the history of your life.

Join us, the mass despised sectors of society who’ve lost faith in politicians to save us, as we mobilize to replace government capitalism with intercommunal (community-united) co-operation. We welcome you with open arms, open minds, understanding and love and invite You to join our ranks!

About the author: Hybachi LeMar is an IWOC Co-Founder and also the author of the Deprived and Depraved. Copies are available at